Financial Calculators
Catering to the needs of a business owner in the financial sector, we developed a sophisticated online calculator solution tailored to their requirements. With a focus on enhancing online sales, our team seamlessly integrated their complex formulas into the application, resulting in a range of powerful financial calculators. These calculators, encompassing mortgage, credit, and loan calculations, empower their website visitors to make informed financial decisions. By seamlessly integrating these calculators, we've enabled our client to provide an interactive and valuable tool that enhances their online presence and aids their customers in achieving financial clarity.

Interactive Calculator Form
At the forefront of our solution, we designed an intuitive calculator form seamlessly embedded on the front page. This user-friendly form features a comprehensive set of questions covering various financial aspects such as annual income, partnership details, savings, and more. In addition to these inquiries, visitors are prompted to provide their essential contact information. Leveraging these financial inputs, our system meticulously computes the potential maximum loan, mortgage, or credit amounts the visitor could qualify for. This dynamic tool empowers users with real-time insights into their financial possibilities, creating a personalized and engaging user experience that translates complex calculations into easily understandable results.

Calculation Outcome and Profile Storage
Upon completion of the calculation process, the results can be presented to users either directly on the interface or conveniently delivered to their provided email addresses. Simultaneously, the visitor's profile details are securely stored within our database, ensuring their information is readily accessible for any subsequent interactions. This strategic approach not only facilitates immediate access to the calculation results but also establishes a foundation for ongoing communication and engagement, enhancing the overall user experience and fostering long-term relationships.